MyBizSwap FAQs
Listing your services and browsing MyBizSwap is completely free! The website also offers paid for advertising and listing enhancements, however, there is no obligation to use these services.
- Sign up and list the services you offer. It’s also good to provide details of services that you require.
- Search for businesses that offer the services you require, or go to the Business needs search bar (left side of this page) and search for products/services your business can offer.
- Contact the business and suggest a BizSwap arrangement.
In the same way you would vet any supplier, we encourage you to perform your own due diligence. We strongly suggest that you enter into a written agreement or consult with an attorney if the services you are swapping warrants it.
Bartering is cheaper than purchasing products or services! MyBizSwap allows you to convert your excess capacity into valuable products or services that you require. By using MyBizSwap, you are enhancing your own business in addition to helping another entrepreneur grow his/her business.
No! MyBizSwap is also very beneficial to business owners, people with valuable skills, people looking for work experience, freelancers etc.
MyBizSwap aims to level the playing field with regard to the cost of goods or services. We encourage entrepreneurs to also consider the time/effort invested in the product/service rather than solely focusing on the monetary value.
We’re really sorry if this has happened to you. Unfortunately, MyBizSwap is simply a platform that facilitates the bartering of skills, products and services. We advise you to seek legal advice and to use MyBizSwap’s rating service to provide feedback on the company. If you feel that the listing on MyBizSwap is fraudulent and should be removed, please contact us with the necessary details.